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Database Client Software 2.0 Manual
» Game Information

Step 1.5: Entering game information if not found

Most likely you will not see this page very often. The DB maintains a table with data on games that have not yet been entered. However, there is currently no data available for pirate games.

Game Info Dialog
Primary Class: All carts fall into 1 of 3 primary classes: Licensed, Unlicensed, and Pirate. Famicom games technically weren't licensed, but they should set to licensed anyways.
Secondary Class: The secondary class breaks games down further into groups. The sub-classes available depends on the selected primary class. 3rd-party refers to licensed games that weren't manufactured by Nintendo. The in-system help will give more details for any given sub-class.
Catalog ID: A unique ID for this game and region. For licensed NES carts, this is always exactly 10-characters (NES-xx-rgn). For unlicensed and other carts the convention may vary. If it doesn't have one, you can leave it blank and a temporary generic one will be assigned.
Game Titles
Main Title: The title according to the game label. If the main title begins with articles like "The", they should be suffixed to the end of the main title like so ", The". If there is sub-title, that should be entered as is (e.g. "Addams Family, The: Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt"). If the title is in a non-latin character set, enter a transliteration here.
Alternate Title: If the main title is not English, you can enter the English translation here. If the main title is a transliteration, enter the title in its original character set here.
Publisher: The full name of the game publisher.
Developer: The full name of the original developer, even if the original was not a NES game.
Port Developer: If the original version of this game was developed for a different system, enter the full name of the company responsible for developing the NES port.
Misc. Info
Region: The region the cart was released in.
Video Standard: The video format the game is intended for. Technically there is no difference in the video signal of a PAL-A and PAL-B NES, but a game made for one zone will not work in the other due to the different CIC version. Any unlicensed cart that uses the PAL system doesn't need to make the A or B distinction.
Release Date: The date of the games original release. If indeterminate, leave the default null value.
# of Players: The number of players the game supports. Not necessarily limited to the number of players.
Peripherals: Select any peripherals the game utilized from the list. If you come across something unlisted, let me know and I'll add it.

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